Why is a rainbow of veggies good for your health?
A rainbow of food not only makes your plate look appealing but “it has the potential to protect you from heart disease and cancer and keep your brain healthy” says Christy Tagney PhD, a nutritionist at Rush University Medical Centre.
Aside from being packed with essential fibre, vitamins and minerals, veggies are packed with protective plant chemicals which not only give plants their colour, smell and flavour but helps protect the plant from disease and also protects them against cell damage. “Eating produce passes these plant chemicals – and their benefits to us” Tagney says.
That’s how I see herbal medicine passing on it’s therapeutic benefits to us by providing concentrated nutrition helping to protect our hearts, our circulatory systems, our central nervous system, our muscles, our lungs, our brain and our organs and helping to prevent degenerative disease such as cancer.
A bottle of “Daily Wellness Tonic” made specifically for you is your way of nurturing yourself on a daily basis and making sure you get vitamins and minerals you need in perfect balance.
If you feel herbal medicine can help you, please contact me on 0425-817727 or email tracie@thewellnesscompany.com.au as I’d love to hear from you.