0425 817 727

130 Edgecliff Road, Bondi Junction


How to keep well in a modern world

It's no surprise that modern technology is playing havoc with our health and Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from appliances such as microwaves, mobiles, smart TVs, smart meters and baby monitors are a silent, invisible source of stress on our bodies. The EMFs from mobiles, for instance, may interfere with your body's central nervous system and may disrupt sleep patterns, immune system function, hormone production (including your thyroid) and may even affect fertility. The most recent research from The World Health Organisation was way back in 2011! At that time, WHO stated that the electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are possibly carcinogenic to humans - no wonder there's not been any further research. But with little research, we're not all about to throw our 5 billion mobiles...

My healing story – 28 year old, law student

  This is one girl's story who took the time to write about her healing journey.  I am deeply grateful to her for taking the time and energy to explain, in her own words, the magical effects of herbal medicine.  I hope after reading this it will inspire you to try herbal medicine or, at least, encourage someone you know (who may be feeling overly stressed at the moment) to try it.   "I have been suffering from long bouts of fatigue, insomnia, stress and extreme exhaustion for the past few years (I'm a law student).  I've been to numerous doctors over the years in an attempt to try increase my energy levels or at least reassess what was going on - they couldn't seem to pick up...

How to lower your cholesterol – supplements

Here are some of the best supplements to help lower your cholesterol naturally: Rosehip or Hibiscus Tea.   Replace coffee with this superstar tea which can manage healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Best Ever Vitamin C tonic.  High in therapeutic doses of Rosehips, this tonic provides a high concentration of Vitamin C in the most bio-available form so that you reap all the benefits! A 2008 article published in the "Journal of Chiropractic Medicine" showed that vitamin c supplementation can reduce LDL or "bad cholesterol" and can lower triglycerides (fats that can also raise your risk of heart disease). Vitamin C can also help protect you from the oxidation of LDLs which, according to a 2003 article published in "Nutrition Journal" can help prevent excess cholesterol from building...

How to lower your cholesterol – lifestyle

Stress can play a big part in elevated cholesterol levels.  Sometimes you may not even be aware that you're stressed.  This the tricky part because if you don't realise when you're in "flight or fight" syndrome, you can't do anything to stop your body releasing cortisol (via your cholesterol) into your bloodstream. If your stress remains constant then your liver has to make additional cholesterol in order to produce more cortisol (in response to the stress) thus raising your cholesterol levels. So how can you manage this stress response? Exercise.  A study published by Research Quarterly for Exercise investigated the effects of regular exercise on cholesterol levels with 20 men over 20 consecutive years.   As little as 30 minutes of exercise three times a week was enough...

How to lower your cholesterol – diet

If you've received a high cholesterol reading, a good place to start is with your diet.   Here are some tips to bring down your low density lipoproteins "LDLs" (the "bad fats" that, in excess, can stick to your blood vessel walls) and to increase your high density lipoproteins "HDLs" (the "good fats" that keep your blood vessels clear): Cut down on saturated animal fats.  As you probably already know, it's important to decrease saturated animal fats such as butter, milk, cheese, ice cream, chocolate and fatty red meats. However, when you eliminate animal fats from your diet you need to add unsaturated vegetable fats in their place, otherwise you will create more problems for your liver. If you love cheese, choose the "white" cheeses like fetta, ricotta...

How to tell if you’re low in magnesium and what to do about it?

Try this quick quiz to find out if you need some magnesium to get your health back on track: Do you find it difficult to switch off or relax? Are you feeling more tired than usual? Do you have any muscle aches or pain? Do you drink more than one coffee a day? Do you drink more than seven alcoholic drinks a week? Have you developed a twitch in your eye? Are your anxiety levels higher than normal? Do you experience heart “flutters” or an irregular heartbeat? Do you suffer from “restless legs”? Do you have trouble sleeping? Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis? If you answered “yes” to more than one or more of the above, then it’s likely that you need this magical mineral. Magnesium...

Why you need this herb if you suffer every month

"Tracie at The Wellness Company has completely changed my life and moods.  PMS made me tired, bloated, grumpy and not fun to be around.  Tracie's herbs totally rebalanced me inside and out.  I noticed a huge change in my mood, energy and general wellbeing and I no longer suffer every month".    (Jules, interior designer) Your monthly cycle is said to tell the story of your whole health.  So what is a normal cycle? In a perfect world, your cycle lasts between 28-30 days.  Your bleed should last around 4-7 days, have a strong flow and be cranberry coloured from start to finish.  There should be no clots, no brown blood and definitely no pain. After your bleed you should notice an increase in energy and, in the...

Why quit sugar?

One of the very first things I learned whilst I was studying nutrition 18 years ago, was that refined sugar literally destroys essential vitamins and minerals in your body.

As we need vitamins and minerals for our bodies to work, it makes perfect sense that refined sugar is not good for our health.  Recently the World Health Organisation recommended that for optimal health we should restrict our added sugar to just 25 grams or 6 teaspoons a day.

The Healthy Christmas Party Guide!

We all need reminders when it comes to looking after ourselves and it’s easy to get carried away during the festive season.  So here’s a few pointers to keep yourself well and energised whilst still having a whole heap of fun! Control your alcohol intake for obvious reasons; your liver will will thank you the next morning :) Keep exercising so your body systems can eliminate the toxins and keep you cleansed and healthy. Eat something filling and nutritious before you leave home so you're not tempted to fill up on fatty, deep-fried, highly calorific or sugar-laden party food! If eating beforehand is not possible, try and choose the healthier options available - you will not regret it! Drink lots of water during the party...


5 Reasons To Spring Clean Your Home

My favourite time of the year, spring symbolises new beginnings and is the traditional season to have a good clear out.  Here's 5 reasons why you should too. By removing things which are cluttering up and blocking the energy flow in your home, you will improve the energy in your living space As you clean your house, you clean up your own energy, allowing you to think more clearly Traditional Feng Shui principles says that decluttering your kitchen will improve your health.  So clear out your fridge, freezer, pantry, chipped crockery, things you no longer use and electrical things that no longer work Bring in new plants to refresh the energy of your space and to symbolise the energy of new beginnings If you didn't...
