How to tell if you’re low in magnesium and what to do about it?
Try this quick quiz to find out if you need some magnesium to get your health back on track:
- Do you find it difficult to switch off or relax?
- Are you feeling more tired than usual?
- Do you have any muscle aches or pain?
- Do you drink more than one coffee a day?
- Do you drink more than seven alcoholic drinks a week?
- Have you developed a twitch in your eye?
- Are your anxiety levels higher than normal?
- Do you experience heart “flutters” or an irregular heartbeat?
- Do you suffer from “restless legs”?
- Do you have trouble sleeping?
- Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis?
If you answered “yes” to more than one or more of the above, then it’s likely that you need this magical mineral.
Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body which literally translate to thousands of biochemical reactions occurring on a daily basis.
We need magnesium for normal everyday functions such as moving our muscles, keeping our heart beating and producing hormones. But, when extra things occur that deplete our magnesium such as stress (physical and emotional), reduced mineral content in food, a sluggish digestive system (so not able to absorb nutrients well), alcohol (leaches magnesium), medication – especially antibiotics – rob our magnesium or a highly processed, sugarladen diet (which equals zero magnesium), it’s not surprising we’re low in this mighty mineral.
Recent research reveals that magnesium deficiency is one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in adults, with an estimated 80% of adults in the USA being depleted in this vital mineral.
According to Dr Carolyn Dean, MD, ND (author of The Magnesium Miracle) adequate magnesium can improve your heart function, help to prevent stroke and obesity and can help improve your mood and even your memory. Magnesium can also calm an overloaded central nervous system and can help alleviate chocolate cravings!
Magnesium can even help control headaches and migraines by releasing pain-reducing hormones and lessening the constriction of blood vessels which raise your blood pressure. Research has shown that when migraine sufferers supplement with magnesium, their symptoms improve.
To help yourself and make sure you have a magnesium-rich diet, include the following fresh wholefoods:
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Cashews, almonds, peanuts
- Bananas
- Tomatoes, avocados
- Whole grains (such as oats, wheat bran and brown rice)
- Dark chocolate (needs to be 80% cacao)
- Macca powder
- Sesame, flax and sunflower seeds
- Yogurt
Three things you can do to increase your magnesium stores:
- If you download my free ebook “3 Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipes” you will find breakfast recipes super high in magnesium. Just click on to get your copy.
- Soak in a bath of epsom salts if you have tense tight muscles that won’t relax; the salts help ease muscle cramps and restless legs and can also promote a restful sleep.
- Consult a professional Naturopathic Herbalist to make your own natural Magnesium Tonic. There are many herbs high in magnesium such as Parsley, Oats, Valerian and Dandelion but please don’t self-medicate as it takes decades of experience to blend the perfect combination of herbs which is safe and effective for each individual.
To find out which herbs are right for you, book in for a consultation to have your magnesium levels assessed and to have a tonic tailor-made specially for you and your individual needs. We also have a range of Practitioner-Only magnesium supplements to complement your tonic when necessary.
If you’re wondering whether herbal medicine can help you, please contact me at or you can call the clinic direct on 9388-9669.
Our mission statement is “To help you achieve your highest health potential on every level of your being”.